How to Make Better User Interface
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat...
App Developer
Ethical Hacker
SEO Specialist
Tech Specialist
Network Specialist
VPN Specialist
I am a Network/Web designer from Ireland, with a strong focus in UI/UX design. I love to get new experiences and always learn from my surroundings. I've done more than 285 projects. You can check it through portfolio section on this website. I looking forward to any opportunities and challenges.
Do more than is required. What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following? The extra mile. ** Someone
Founder & Creative DirectorKfoneThere is a moment in the life of any aspiring astronomer that it is time to buy that first
Senior UI / UX DesignerCleverFox IrelandDo you sometimes have the feeling that you’re running into the same obstacles over and over again? Many of my conflicts.
Network Engineer and App DeveloperGSF Group of Companies,BahrainDo you want to be even more successful? Learn to love learning and growth. The more effort you put into improving your skills.
MSC Computer ScienceMadurai Kamaraj UniversityResult: 3.28 (In the Scale of 4.00)
Master in Computer ApplicationBharathiar UniversityResult: 3.12 (In the Scale of 4.00)
Bachelor of Computer ScienceUniversity of CalicutResult: 3.34 (In the Scale of 4.00)
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat...
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat...
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat...
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat...
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat...
Dolore officia sint incididunt non excepteur ea mollit commodo ut enim reprehenderit cupidatat labore ad laborum consectetur consequat...
+353 830275775
Apt1 4 Anglesea street, Clonmel, Tipperary , Ireland